Credits &Resources
These are resources that I have personally used in my designs / graphics and I have also included more sites that I admire for good quality resources that deserve recognition. If there any broken links below and you have the new URL to find the creator's resources please let me know in the 'Live Chat' below.
Image sources
Design resources
- 99 Mockingbirds @ DeviantArt
- adriano09 @ DeviantArt
- AF Studios @ DeviantArt
- Arabesco Resources @ DeviantArt
- Bloomotion
- Brush King
- BTTRFLYKISS @ DeviantArt
- Carllton @ DeviantArt
- Car0usel (Closed)
- Chambertin @ DeviantArt
- Chazzief @ DeviantArt
- Cilou @ MiniTokyo
- Colordipped (Closed)
- Coy Dreamer @ Brusheezy
- Crazy Kira Resources @ DeviantArt
- Darciana @ LiveJournel
- Dastardly Icons @ DeviantArt
- Estriella @ DeviantArt
- Gerry Ray @ DeviantArt
- iAmFreeman @ DeviantArt
- Ihea @ DeviantArt
- JavierZHX @ DeviantArt
- Jessiesquash @ DeviantArt
- Master Jinn @ DeviantArt
- mayrarose @ DeviantArt
- Moonchilde Stock @ DeviantArt
- Narcoticplease @ DeviantArt
- Obsidian Dawn
- Ryoko30 @ DeviantArt
- Sanami276 @ DeviantArt
- Shinwa (Closed)
- ShiftyJ @ DeviantArt
- Shizoo Design @ DeviantArt
- Sirius-sdz @ DeviantArt
- Snow Drops
- So-ghislaine @ DeviantArt
- Spiritcoda @ DeviantArt
- Station (Closed)
- Struckdumb @ DeviantArt
- SunnyGirl333 @ DeviantArt
- Subtle Patterns
- Swimchick (Closed)
- sxc.hu (Closed)
- xnienke @ DeviantArt
- Yunyunsarang @ DeviantArt
- Silverqe @ LiveJournal
- Yamaro-ks @ DeviantArt
- Zy0rg @ DeviantArt